Sciatica pain is not a specific medical condition, but a symptom of an underlying medical condition. This pain can result from lower back injuries or other complex spine disorders. Sciatica most commonly occurs when a herniated disk, bone spur on the spine, or narrowing of the spine (spinal stenosis) compresses part of the nerve. This can cause inflammation, pain, and numbness in the affected leg.
- Constant pain in one buttock or leg
- Pain that worsens when sitting
- Back pain
- Tingling or searing pain in the leg
- Difficulty moving the leg
- Hip pain
- Sharp pain that may make walking difficult
- Pain in lower extremities
- Muscle weakness
Treatment Options
Treatment options for sciatica pain include therapeutic massage, physiotherapeutic exercise, nerve studies, and chiropractic treatment. If your pain is fairly mild, our doctors may recommend physical therapy, which would involve following a consistent exercise and stretching routine to help improve posture and take pressure off of the sciatic nerve. Treatment options aren’t limited to physical therapy. We offer chiropractic help, as well as therapeutic massage.
All of our treatment plans are tailored to individual requirements, ensuring you receive a customized program of intervention that maximizes your chances of improvement. Many of our patients are surprised by how quickly they begin to find relief.